Self-Help Interactive Family Law Forms

It’s Simple

They ask you questions and use your answers to complete your forms. Link takes you to Law Help Interactive (LHI).
*Neither Benton Franklin Legal Aid or Law Help Interactive site give legal advice. Talk to a lawyer if you need legal advice.


Click the following if you would like to file for divorce:
Divorce with and without minor children

Respond to Divorce

Click the following link to respond to a divorce petition filed against you:
Respond to divorce

Parenting Plan

Use the following to create a Parenting Plan proposal or order in a family law case: 
Parenting Plan

Child Support

to calculate child support and propose a Child Support Order. You may attach these with your divorce or parenting plan petition.
Child Support

Financial Information

 Use the following to complete a Financial Declaration and provide other financial information. You may attach these with your divorce or parenting plan
Financial Information

Motion for Default (Family Law)

 Use this if the other party has not responded to the Summons and Petition you filed in a family law case and you want to finalize by default.
Motion For Default

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