Benefits of Volunteering

Gain Experience

The program gives attorneys court room experience along with mentoring services in area’s of practice you would like to dip into.  We work with many volunteer attorneys in our area and surrounding area.  Come join the team!

Malpractice Insurance

While you are volunteering with BFLA in any capacity, full representation, advice at a clinic or consultations, we provide you with full malpractice insurance.  This is free to you!  

Continuing Legal Education Credits

BFLA provides Continuing Legal Education credits for our volunteer attorneys.  For every hour spent volunteering you will earn 1 CLE credit. Reported yearly.

Networking Opportunities​

​Volunteering at BFLA is a great way of getting to know other lawyers in your community! We try and make all of our events fun and include everyone in the legal community.   Remember without your support team, you wouldn’t be able to provide your community with all the wonderful volunteering that you do!

Change Lives​

Volunteering at BFLA gives you the opportunity to make a difference in the community you live in and change lives. 

We have volunteer opportunities for attorneys and non-attorneys.

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